Untitled (Fruits Basket)

Outtake 2: Take 12

featuring Akito, Shigure, Haru, Tokimi and the Director


Director: Ok, chapter one, scene five, take two. (snap)

Akito: ...if she goes to your house first, tell her...not to visit.

Shigure: (nods)

(knock at the door)

Akito: (stands up quickly, ready to run, but trips over the hem of his robes and falls on his face)

Shigure: (snicker snicker) (laughs)

Akito: (glare)

Director: Cut!

Everyone: (gets into position)

Director: Take three. (snap)

Akito: ...if she goes to your house first, tell her...not to visit.

Shigure: (nods)

(knock at the door)

Shigure: (answers the door)

Haru: (stares) Akito-kun! What are you doing?

Akito: (blink) What? Who are you?

Haru: (sweatdrops) Kimi-san...

Tokimi: Hmm? Oh, yes... (throws a one yen coin at Akito)

Coin: (hits Akito on the head) I WIN!

Akito: (freaks out) The coin can talk? (runs away)

Director: Cut!


Some time later...

Director: Come on people, get it together. Now, take twelve in...

Tokimi: (bursts out laughing for no apparent reason)

Director: And what, may I ask, is so funny?

Tokimi: I don’t know... (shrugs)

Director: Are you ready?

Tokimi: (nods)

Director: Ok, take twelve in three... two... (snap)

Akito: ...if she goes to your house first, tell her...not to visit.

Shigure: (nods)

(knock at the door)

Shigure: (answers the door)

(slam from somewhere inside the house)

Director: (grin)

Haru: I see Akito-sama was expecting us.

Shigure: Yes, it would seem so. (walks out the door)

Haru and Shigure: (start to perform random dance moves)

Tokimi: (glomps them both)

Director: Cut! You guys!

Akito: (hugs the director and walks backstage)

Director: Alright everybody, break. (walks backstage)



Copyright ©
Victoria Fater.
All rights reserved.